
New School Beginnings

As the pre-school grew, the need for an elementary and middle school became critical.  Again, the Atlanta Team believed it was possible, and created a fund raising dinner and silent auction, to bring awareness and support from individuals and churches. David Kitonga attended, and we featured local entertainment, and a silent auction. We called it our “Big Event,” and it truly lived up to its name, raising the needed funds for the five-story school construction. 


The Huduma school (means Hope) was completed in 2007, bringing hope and education to hundreds of children in the Kawangware slum, eventually exceeding 800 students! Daily meals at the school are provided, a life-giving benefit in a slum with little food and water. Through continued donations to the ministry and child sponsorships, graduates are now holding jobs or attending college, changing the lives of thousands of families.

COVID Impact

With no access to vaccines or medicines, the people of Kawangware suffered greatly during the pandemic.  And as schools in most countries closed and continued teaching classes online, access to teachers through computers was not possible for Huduma School and students, so the children fell woefully behind.  

Covid also created a lapse in donations and funding for Huduma School. Current funding is only supporting 10 teachers and 200 students, with hundreds more children and teachers waiting for restoration of the funding.

Donate Today

We invite and encourage you to engage in God’s work of restoration of Huduma school students and teachers in Kawangware, by financially supporting the ministry.

Our short-term goal is to raise support needed to restore 10 additional teachers and 250 students. We estimate that to achieve this short-term goal of 10/250 we need to raise $161,000. This is the focus of our work in the weeks and months ahead.