Donate Today

Administrative Office Address:

Africa Equip Ministry (AEM), 100 Crescent Centre Pkwy, Suite 660, Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 770 455-8706

AEM International is a registered 501.c(3) charitable organization under IRS regulations. The ministry is 100% funded by gifts from private donors and churches that have a heart for God's poor. Tax-deductible donations can be made to AEM International. You can donate directly using Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express using the Donate link below. Payments are processed through PayPal and do not require a PayPal membership to make payments.

We also accept checks which can be sent to AEM Administrative Offices (address above). You can designate your check to one or more of the following categories:

  • 250 Students & 10 Teachers
  • Nurse & Medical Supplies
  • Most Needed